On This Day, 18 September




Sneakers WarGames Star Wars Die Hard Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory https://t.co/RhOiLZuPj0

18 Sep 2022 22:10:29


@beardedjourno 4 Dec 2020, for comparison purposes :) https://t.co/rqVv6FF5yq

18 Sep 2021 18:51:19


@waynedixon @danielpunkass That's the reason I'm still on the UK equivalent. Streaming only seem to be there for about 50% of things I want to see; with DVD it's more like 99%...

18 Sep 2020 07:11:18

@mdavis1982 @waynedixon @danielpunkass https://t.co/N2bGOMRzHe

18 Sep 2020 07:13:25

RT @soapachu: There's always that one friend in the group pic... https://t.co/XFuobgA6bg

18 Sep 2020 07:17:47

Mmmm. Brie and mango chutney sandwich.

18 Sep 2020 11:11:19

RT @yumhoneyblood: Incredibly honoured to say that my 3rd record ‘In Plain Sight’ has been nominated for Scottish Album Of The Year @sayawa

18 Sep 2020 11:13:55

I am spending my lunchtime reclining on a couch reading a Regency romance be Georgette Heyer. About the only thing spoiling my period image is the can of Irn Bru 😂

18 Sep 2020 11:34:13

RT @janinegibson: HUGE SCOOP TikTok to be banned from US app stores from Sunday cc ⁦@MalcolmMoorehttps://t.co/UCqdouM75Z

18 Sep 2020 11:39:38

RT @BobbyF1scher: @chinbeard I give you the world’s cutest & coolest Nazi hunter. https://t.co/pO7BlcuvHe

18 Sep 2020 11:44:57

@shezza_t Sadly no sign. (I don’t particularly mind it being a day or two late, but it’s lovely weather at the moment and I’d quite like to go outside again at some point without fear of it arriving the second I do...)

18 Sep 2020 12:51:30

@shezza_t Well, first world problems and all. And I wouldn’t fancy being a delivery person right now.

18 Sep 2020 15:35:35

Spike. #PhotoADay https://t.co/trtvRNrXLz https://t.co/K5P6iY8gDG

18 Sep 2020 16:36:27

Before/after. An teensy upgrade to the work-from-home monitor. (With thanks to my parents for their generous contribution to the upgrade fund!) #wfh https://t.co/PmrDtsZ5rP

18 Sep 2020 19:12:30

RT @catandgirlcomic: Scroll, scroll https://t.co/5m6HiHae6c https://t.co/cbDkEm5ZG4

18 Sep 2020 22:33:15


@Argos_Online Since your site came back up, it’s been impossible to reach as just “https://t.co/kcNhSPkDjx”—needs “https://t.co/DTm4KeJgph” with the “www”. Used to work fine as either…

18 Sep 2019 10:08:34



Waiting - https://t.co/Ga1ugH85eO https://t.co/1otXkBlhNE

18 Sep 2017 14:53:21

RT @JosephScrimshaw: Ikea's display toilets reminding us the importance of an educated populace to the survival of democracy https://t.co/Z

18 Sep 2017 14:57:58

RT @JElvisWeinstein: This photo looks like a lost Pink Floyd album cover. https://t.co/z8UmrtFdAA

18 Sep 2017 14:58:43

RT @paul_arnold: This is terrific. Warren Buffett wins $1M bet made a decade ago that the S&P 500 index would outperform hedge funds https…

18 Sep 2017 15:59:57


Christ. They weren't kidding on the "full" bit. https://t.co/jjTSXcxZR0

18 Sep 2016 08:37:39

@Bristolvor Stones, WSM. https://t.co/jFdL29EDQr

18 Sep 2016 08:59:19

@ahnlak Am not sure, actually. Reset & jailbroken, it still seems to have the default books on it & are readable. Haven't looked further.

18 Sep 2016 09:02:38

@shezza_t Why did they stop? *saves a few, just in case*

18 Sep 2016 09:03:33

Causeway. @ Marine Lake https://t.co/ZIHJWhYPoM

18 Sep 2016 09:14:58

RT @hatsandbikes: When a balloon crash lands in Redland #Bristol https://t.co/nKW9mXSg2l

18 Sep 2016 10:20:00

@hatsandbikes !?

18 Sep 2016 10:20:05

@csoanes Maybe a couple of others, too.

18 Sep 2016 10:21:06

@hatsandbikes Gosh. Everyone okay?

18 Sep 2016 10:21:27

@hatsandbikes Jesus.

18 Sep 2016 10:51:22

Another cunningly-hidden Amazon delivery. https://t.co/tWiXwOrfql

18 Sep 2016 12:42:13

Weston, last night. https://t.co/ONcwHEVYyQ

18 Sep 2016 13:06:44

@OpinionatedGeek Some may consider that the ultimate Windows Update.

18 Sep 2016 15:23:47

@chubbybannister @DavidAllenGreen Assuming we still have schools.

18 Sep 2016 15:24:43

@OpinionatedGeek This is why I just bought a cheap laptop for when I need Windows. Less cross-contamination!

18 Sep 2016 15:26:06

Waxing gibbous. https://t.co/sBUl31iVXR

18 Sep 2016 18:26:51

@porthjess Have you *seen* my back? They'd charge double.

18 Sep 2016 18:29:05

@emmachampion6 @porthjess This could have been avoided if I'd actually read the weather display right. Tonight's moon is *waning* gibbous.

18 Sep 2016 18:35:48

@emmachampion6 @porthjess (Or is it raining gibbons?)

18 Sep 2016 18:36:11

Still enjoying the random domestic scenes of my “have I got a card in?” test shots. https://t.co/hMGWJw0LRC

18 Sep 2016 18:40:28

New amusements. https://t.co/gtKMqvyf2v

18 Sep 2016 18:59:52

@chubbybannister It has its uses. :D https://t.co/A7GnjMhgvF

18 Sep 2016 19:04:30

@Bristolvor @chubbybannister I’m glad it exists because of seaside childhood memories. As an adult, Bangor or Clevedon piers appeal more

18 Sep 2016 19:13:18


RT @ggreeneva: Wow, @VW—writing code to specifically detect & circumvent emissions testing. Just wow. http://t.co/Iw7d16uV9U http://t.co/eY

18 Sep 2015 16:27:47

Nice work, Apple. http://t.co/uxoiZ1jPmx

18 Sep 2015 17:35:26

Also: gee thanks, Apple. I wonder what I’ll spend my *enormous* savings on… #functionalhighground http://t.co/qB9wRUQ8Z5

18 Sep 2015 18:00:54

@Harkaway Someone who just gave LinkedIn permission to spam everyone in their address book, I’d wager.

18 Sep 2015 18:03:32

@PollyVVore @linguatical That news story seems to have mysteriously disappeared now! Very odd.

18 Sep 2015 18:19:10

RT @marcoarment: I’ve pulled Peace from the App Store. Why: http://t.co/ir8FMr1qEO

18 Sep 2015 18:22:31

@stroughtonsmith Can you use an IR remote to control the Apple TV? I’d be sad not to be able to use my Logitech Harmony for the new one…

18 Sep 2015 20:42:47


@mr_mookie I might turn it back on at some later point, when I'm ready to see if I can learn to like it. But this is not that week.

18 Sep 2014 08:14:39

@JohnPhilipCole It's difficult to raise the energy for that when you've got a cold. I just bought some from the newsagent instead.

18 Sep 2014 08:15:48

Entirely up to you, of course, my Scottish friends. Vote early, vote often. Xxx

18 Sep 2014 08:33:20

@liveindetail Won't this bias the results towards people whose parcels actually turned up?

18 Sep 2014 08:34:33

@talkie_tim @Lillput Yes, dear. But at the moment it's a great solution to no problems that I have.

18 Sep 2014 08:37:36

@secboffin @a2 Nah. Somewhere on Clydeside there's a shipyard tooling up to make a *really* big outboard motor.

18 Sep 2014 09:44:07

Working on an iOS 8 keyboard that won't type anything but U2 lyrics.

18 Sep 2014 09:46:15

@guriben Had a friend who said they were amazing, but that was once she'd actually managed to have some appointments, of course.

18 Sep 2014 11:11:34

Clifton. http://t.co/B7PdzdXCRQ

18 Sep 2014 11:58:33

@JamesSLock It was yesterday.

18 Sep 2014 12:53:40

RT @PlayableCity: If you work in the centre of Bristol, #shadowing streetlights 6+7 just added to the map may be on your route home http://…

18 Sep 2014 17:25:49

@KellySibson Do I have to pick a side?

18 Sep 2014 17:44:31

What the rumbling badgercocks was *that*? #bristol

18 Sep 2014 18:00:48

RT @ASPBrisCentre: Recovered cameras. Man in custody. #Bristol Are they yours? Call 101 if you can help. http://t.co/04xi4oBSE6

18 Sep 2014 18:01:15

@SpikyZebra I do not know. But it was very low. And very jet.

18 Sep 2014 18:08:06

@Cerebz @esteluk @blondewordsUK Nope, but I'm in a basement :) All I saw was the windows rattling.

18 Sep 2014 18:09:10

@Cerebz @blondewordsUK @esteluk That was lower and closer than anything I've ever heard in Hotwells, and I've been here since 1999...

18 Sep 2014 18:15:22

@Cerebz @blondewordsUK @esteluk Certainly sounded more military than commercial.

18 Sep 2014 18:15:32

@hayles I love the fact is the most recent version and the first place I have no clue who I want you in my room for a long way.

18 Sep 2014 18:21:25

@hayles There's pretty much no need for me to be here any more. The phone can handle all this on its own now. For a long way.

18 Sep 2014 18:22:40

RT @hayles: Open a new tweet in iOS and keep pressing the word on the right side: "a man with my family and friends of a few years and year…

18 Sep 2014 18:23:03

@philsballoons @jeffsaul10 I was just going to ask @ToM_BaL what that was. From my Hotwells basement, I could only tell "low" and "military"

18 Sep 2014 18:24:47

@ThatChrisGore “Vote early, vote often.” :)

18 Sep 2014 19:38:50

Sorry, thunder, I would be impressed but that low fighter jet passing over Bristol earlier reset my "surprisingly loud noise outside" scale.

18 Sep 2014 21:20:40

Maybe I *should* nip out with the camera. #famouslastwords

18 Sep 2014 21:32:15

Last time I nipped out with the camera when it sounded like this, I snapped this from Observatory Hill: https://t.co/7dKohB5lZu

18 Sep 2014 21:33:55

RT @liveindetail: Ka-BLAM!!!!!!!!! http://t.co/nIHB9BTBSt

18 Sep 2014 21:39:48

.@fergieweather Yeah, bit exciting out there. This is from Brandon Hill (Colston Tower between the trees.) http://t.co/5wZYY4WG0u

18 Sep 2014 22:45:40

Been up on Brandon Hill, doing a bit of flash photography. #bristol https://t.co/IId4xL7CD2 http://t.co/iSQbT1cBN5

18 Sep 2014 22:58:26


@framingfairy Hi! No, I didn't do it, sadly just didn't have the time or energy for training this year :(

18 Sep 2013 06:42:56

@martinjoiner *Belatedly waves back via Twitter* http://t.co/nWRXooZ7AT

18 Sep 2013 06:43:33

Someone appears to have parked a cafe on my route to work... #berudenottotryacoffee http://t.co/zW8Wj2Opxp

18 Sep 2013 07:52:11

@Nose_in_a_book Watch _Hudson Hawk_. Bruce Willis will remind you.

18 Sep 2013 08:01:30

A tiny planet of the Hotwell Road. #bristol http://t.co/yWsjTCgfpH

18 Sep 2013 17:38:19

@ef060372 That was Photo Sphere; comes with the Nexus 4.

18 Sep 2013 17:49:06

Google+. Because I'd much rather be known as 111822899171376012884 than "gothick".

18 Sep 2013 18:01:02

(Those of you on desktops can probably view the full Photo Sphere of that Hotwell Road shot by clicking the pic: https://t.co/ccZsHLppUu)

18 Sep 2013 18:02:17

@davidwalshblog Or possibly the best demo I won't see all day. What browser does it work in? Ta! http://t.co/rFiQtAZFh8

18 Sep 2013 18:33:39

RT @amateuradam: Apple Maps no better on iOS7 http://t.co/EOFdZVOTfx

18 Sep 2013 20:09:54

Going by picture 4, I'd say the current residents are a teensy bit partial to tigers. http://t.co/NCIuhKVoDc

18 Sep 2013 20:27:29


Mmmmm. Aldi's ersatz Shreddies for breakfast. Win.

18 Sep 2012 08:33:58

Also: Good morning, all. I had a bit of a lie-in this morning. Bad Matt. Rewarded by my Facebook action finally being approved. Hurrah!

18 Sep 2012 08:38:38

@floyduk Google Grief? Is that the new digital funeral service?

18 Sep 2012 09:42:31

@BlackDogDays @MsMottram I should be able to make Friday :)

18 Sep 2012 10:02:40

Hrm. @evernote Google integration asks me to sign in. Click the link, goes to my already-signed-in EN. Back to Google, asks for signin.

18 Sep 2012 10:06:51

@MsMottram @BlackDogDays If it's shut, we can go to the Mardyke, down eight pints, and see if someone will give us a ride on their bike.

18 Sep 2012 10:10:02

@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Cool. You're in the calendar.

18 Sep 2012 13:13:10

So, #bristol music-goers, when do things normally start at the Louisiana of a Sunday evening these days? 8pm-ish?

18 Sep 2012 14:18:49

Wow. Hitting "return" in the search box on http://t.co/WMxdqSg0 immediately quits Safari 6. Harsh.

18 Sep 2012 14:23:43

@guriben @nixgeek I preferred the image from when I mis-read that as SPAM all round.

18 Sep 2012 15:07:02

Today, an electrician came and put something groovy in my kitchen. http://t.co/ft4jzkFz

18 Sep 2012 16:14:00

Some of the Bearpit crowd we met on Saturday's photo walk :) http://t.co/uLGuUCqn

18 Sep 2012 16:55:57

The wine merchant's house. http://t.co/yu5gs41U

18 Sep 2012 18:22:40

@BlackDogDays Yup.

18 Sep 2012 19:00:47

Woof! Don't remember seeing that one before... #flickr http://t.co/yEJArnnb

18 Sep 2012 20:45:15


@StJamesPT Good luck!

18 Sep 2011 06:56:36

@mjh53 Probably not! Just reverting to something known and comfortable for the last stressy couple of job-weeks...

18 Sep 2011 07:33:30

@thomasvenables I still find each series has a couple of gems. That and the nostalgia value keep me watching.

18 Sep 2011 07:33:58

Roight. Finish coffee, jump in shower, spend morning pottering, then take new camera out on Flickr photo walk.

18 Sep 2011 07:35:11

@jacrats Morning! Avoid skiing, and you should be fine. #bendzeknees

18 Sep 2011 07:36:57

@jorence It's not too late! Flickr walk starts at noon... New camera seems awesome so far, though have only tried indoors.

18 Sep 2011 07:42:49

@jorence Though *every damn control* apart from shutter button seems to have been moved compared with old camera.

18 Sep 2011 07:43:24

@jorence Run faster! :D

18 Sep 2011 07:43:40

@jorence I've moved from 400D to 60D.

18 Sep 2011 07:44:02

@Phooto I went for 60D in the end. Enjoying the low-light performance, auto-ISO and solid *clunk* of snapping a lot so far :)

18 Sep 2011 07:44:53

@Phooto Yes, not sure how much I'll use it, but video was yet another of my temptations for the upgrade.

18 Sep 2011 07:49:27

@jorence Wait until spring :) Unless you're spending loads of money, long lenses aren't so useful during the darker days!

18 Sep 2011 07:51:46

Up. Showered. Listening to @theindelicates. Bring on the day.

18 Sep 2011 08:23:33

@iphonefool Eees ver' niiiice.

18 Sep 2011 08:50:19

Photo: Scary things to find bearing down on you while dusting the mantelpiece #482. http://t.co/uLwQAhzp

18 Sep 2011 09:03:23

@Aleksandr_Orlov Arrrrr.

18 Sep 2011 09:04:16

RT @mattleys: Right, hivemind. Good, basic sourdough bread recipe online somewhere - anyone?

18 Sep 2011 09:07:45

@chrisphin Would more people geotag if there was a "don't tag if I'm in my home" option?

18 Sep 2011 10:00:45

@mediaben Put a cuff-link through your nose and you'll be fine.

18 Sep 2011 10:02:13

@chrisphin Me too; any relatively clueful person would be able to find me. Just thinking the option might reassure people into geotagging.

18 Sep 2011 10:04:12

Lazy Sunday morning moment. http://t.co/cy8v4HbJ

18 Sep 2011 10:33:27

Crenelations. http://t.co/Pm9JYDP0

18 Sep 2011 13:42:57

Gothick :) http://t.co/VbcmrtwP

18 Sep 2011 14:19:23

On the Flickr photo walk. Waiting at Blaise estate cafe to see if the torrential downpour lightens up. Ah well.

18 Sep 2011 14:37:32

Just posted a photo http://t.co/09C4Bx0q

18 Sep 2011 15:05:02

@kshack22 Yes, it only took about a half hour before it was safe to emerge from our shelter!

18 Sep 2011 18:44:43

@penelopeelse Hmmm. I might well try. But if there's too much annoying technobabble I might turn off in disgust.

18 Sep 2011 18:45:19

RT @badbanana: I'm participating in a 0.25K run to raise awareness for people with attention deficit disorder.

18 Sep 2011 21:28:45

@Nose_in_a_book I thought Wotsits and Lucozade _was_ voodoo.

18 Sep 2011 22:21:35

I think it's probably bedtime. After all, I've got an important day of doing not very much tomorrow :) #dayoff

18 Sep 2011 22:22:47


Hah! Translation WIN. http://yfrog.com/ehyl2sj

18 Sep 2010 00:00:00

Late step-grandad's old camera. http://yfrog.com/n12ktvj

18 Sep 2010 00:00:00

:) http://yfrog.com/87i13j

18 Sep 2010 00:00:00


@Narshada Cool; they look like pretty serious boots :) Will get back to you if I don't find anything today/tomorrow -- shopping last-minute!

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@Narshada Aha! Just seen programme for tonight. The Scottish Falsetto Sockpuppet Theatre are playing. Think I will have to go now.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles http://www.thebristolfestival.org/ They're using a piece or two of my video for some of the AV stuff.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Wondering whether to go to Bristol Festival tonight. Am on guest list, but not sure if it's my kind of thing.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles Diagnosis: there are loose electrical cables under your desk.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

...or maybe I just needed to get plenty of wasted days under my belt so I could de-stress properly.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@Nose_in_a_book Just how I'm feeling. Think I may have now officially wasted too many days in this week off.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@rhodri Neighbour of mine renamed his WiFi access point to "GetOffMyLAN" for similar reasons; could you drop a hint that way?

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@jorence Ah, yes, got my snowboarding boots at snow & rock. Forgot about them.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Catching up with @sowerbyandluff show. What better way to do sod all?

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@geekpop Well, it works in running shops; went to Nomad because their site says they're experts… ho hum.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Anyone know a walking shoe store in Bristol who'll know what "over-pronation" means? Nomad don't.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles Tried shoe-shop.com? Often have odd things, and are reliable.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Wow. The students-to-be look so, so young. Am old, decrepit man.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Ah. It's Bristol Uni open day, isn't it?

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Off to Park Street to buy walking shoes. Just possible I may end up in Boston Tea Party again…

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@archidave It's not just me, then? Just back from the doc myself.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hannahnicklin Parallels? Considered VirtualBox? Won't cost you anything.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Back from Bristol Festival. Pleasant and chilled, with some very interesting technology on display here and there. Recommended.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@benjohnbarnes Yay! Congrats, dude!

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Watching Scottish Falsetto Sockpuppet Theatre ;)

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Walking down to the festival. Travelling faster than most of the cars.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles *grin* Well, don't worry; you haven't gained a psychic stalker :)

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles Heh! Nope, just perk up at the mention of boots. As opposed to Boots, which I'm guessing is where you are?

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hayles Mmmm. Boots.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@hannahnicklin Ahhh.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@KaveyF Yup!

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@joannadelilah I am one of the many modern people who are happy to use food, without understanding how it works :)

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@joannadelilah Haven't a clue. Tasted nice, though!

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@tsunimee I very rarely eat *that* well. Bell's Diner really was fantastic.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Blast from the past. http://twitpic.com/i68cu

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@benjohnbarnes Whoohoo! Keep us as informed as you can :)

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

Those of you who were wondering about my 2-hour poached egg, @KaveyF has a picture of it in her Bell's Diner review: http://bit.ly/3JT7U2

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00

@bccore Have you read the book? It's really good if you've been listening for years. Lots of behind-scenes stuff.

18 Sep 2009 00:00:00


Failing to get the hang of the new Facebook.

18 Sep 2008 00:00:00

@Ihnatko I'm mostly worried about someone climbing out of my house window with my highly-redundant data while I'm not there...

18 Sep 2008 00:00:00

Hmm. A blog site has copied my copyright work without permission. Have left a polite comment on their blog.

18 Sep 2008 00:00:00

@bobbyllew If you die in debt, you've won.

18 Sep 2008 00:00:00

Gah! Late for work.

18 Sep 2008 00:00:00